Kullanıcı Tag Listesi

6 sonuçtan 1 ile 6 arası
  1. #1
    cavus er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Pluginde hata Düzeltebilecek Professioneller bir baksın

    Arkadaşlar /oyunmenu ve /ffmenu pluginini yükledim fakat Terorist takımından bir oyuncu oyun veya ff başlatabiliyor sabahtan beri bu sorunu çözmeye çalışıyorum lütfen yardım.
    Konu buyukkaptan90 tarafından (04-09-12 Saat 17:23 ) değiştirilmiştir.

  2. #2
    cavus er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: [Çok Acil] Jb /oyunmenu sorunu

    Arkadaşlar bu Jb serverlar için oyunmenu plugini ama herkes oyun başlatabiliyor sadece Ct takımı başlatabilsin istiyorum
    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <amxmisc>
    #include <fun>
    #define PLUGIN "Oyun Menu Plugini"
    #define VERSION "2.2"
    #define AUTHOR "Vampires"
    public plugin_init() {    
        register_plugin("\r[JB] \wOyunMenusu","2.2","\ypG ` Jail")    
        register_clcmd("say /oyunmenu","top")
        //register_logevent("ayar_sifirla", 2,"1=Round_Start")    
    public top(id) {    
        if( !is_user_alive(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED    
        new menu = menu_create("\rOyun Menu \y[ pG ` Jail ]", "menu_handler")    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \ySaklanbac Oyunu", "1", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \y300Sparta Oyunu", "2", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yYakartop Oyunu", "3", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yCete Oyunu", "4", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yYakalanbac Oyunu", "5", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \ySimit Oyunu", "6", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yCTKoruma", "7", 0);    
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yOyunlari Kapat", "8", 0);   
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yC4 Oyunu", "9", 0); 
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yHayalet Oyunu", "10",0);
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yKus Oyunu", "11",0);
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yZombi Oyunu", "12",0);
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yKorebe Oyunu", "13",0);
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yCatisma Oyunu", "14",0);
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yUcan Pipi Oyunu", "15",0);
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \ySustum Deagle Oyunu", "16",0);
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, "Diger Oyunlar");  
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_BACKNAME, "Onceki Oyunlar");
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "Menuyu Kapat");
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL);    
        menu_display(id, menu, 0);    
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE   
    public menu_handler(id, menu, item)    
        if( item == MENU_EXIT )    
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;    
        new data[6], iName[64];    
        new access, callback;    
        menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,5, iName, 63, callback);    
        new key = str_to_num(data);    
        new adminismi[32]    
            case 1: { 
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT g3sg1")   
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 14")   
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999")   
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")   
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @CT 1")
                chat_color(id, "!gSaklanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSaklanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 2: {     
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T shield")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @CT")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !g300Sparta Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !g300Sparta Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 3: {     
                server_cmd("amx_glow @T blue")   
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")   
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")    
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")   
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @CT 1")  
                server_cmd("amx_fire @CT 1")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakartop Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakartop Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 4: {    
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")   
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 42")   
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 14")   
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 48")   
                server_cmd("amx_armor @all 100")   
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 900")   
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")   
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCete Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCete Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 5: {     
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")  
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_speed @CT 1")   
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")   
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakalanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakalanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 6: {     
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 900")   
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSimit Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSimit Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 7: {    
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")   
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 99999999")   
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCT Koruma Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCT Koruma Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 8: {
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @all 0")   
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 0")   
                server_cmd("amx_speed @all 0")   
                server_cmd("amx_noclip @all 0")   
                server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 800")   
                server_cmd("amx_glow @all off")   
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 0")
                server_cmd( "amx_cvar sv_voiceenable 1")
                server_cmd( "amx_cvar sv_gravity 800")
                server_cmd("Tum Ayarlar Eski Haline Getirildi.!")
                server_cmd("Tum Ayarlar Eski Haline Getirildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 9: {
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_bury @T") 
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 91")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gC4 Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gC4 Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 10: {    
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 900")  
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")  
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")  
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 14")  
                server_cmd("amx_noclip @CT 1")  
                server_cmd("amx_armor @all 100")  
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gHayalet Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gHayalet Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 11: {    
                server_cmd("amx_glow @T white")  
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")  
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")  
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 30000") 
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 100")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKus Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKus Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 12: {
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
                server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 200")
                server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_flashlight 1")
                server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_voiceenable 0")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 100")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 49")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 42")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 46")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 15000")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gZombi Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gZombi Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 13: {
                server_cmd("amx_glow @CT 0 0 0 0")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 42")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 100")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKorebe Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKorebe Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 14: {
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @all 43")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @all 42")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 46")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 14")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 400")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCatisma Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCatisma Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 15: {
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 100")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gUcan Pipi Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gUcan Pipi Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 16: {
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_bury @T")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSustum Deagle Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSustum Deagle Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    stock chat_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
        new count = 1, players[32]
        static msg[191]
        vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") //yesil
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") //sari
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3") //takim-rengi
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!team2", "^0") //bilmiom
        if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
            for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
                    message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i])

    ---------- Alttaki Mesaj Zamani 16:25 ---------- Önceki Mesaj Zamani 16:24 ----------

    Bude ffmenu plugini bunuda yalnızca ct takımı başlatsın istiyorum
    /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */
    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <amxmisc>
    #include <fun>
    //Cvar Kodu : /ffmenu'dür.
    #define PLUGIN "FF Plugini"
    #define VERSION "1.1"
    #define AUTHOR " Vampires "
    public plugin_init() {
        register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
        register_clcmd("say /ffmenu","Menu")    
    public Menu(id) 
        new menu = menu_create("\rFF Menu \y[  pG ` Jail  ]","ffmenu")
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yAWP FF", "1" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yDeagle FF", "2" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yDeagle - Kalkan FF", "3" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yAK47 FF", "4" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yM4A1 FF", "5" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yNormal FF", "6" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yTMP FF", "7" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yScout FF", "8" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yBomba FF", "9" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yPompali FF", "10" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yGlock FF" , "11" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yUSP FF" , "12" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yGalil FF" , "13" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yFamas FF" , "14" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_additem(menu, "\r[JB] \yFF Kapat", "15" , ADMIN_KICK)
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, "Diger FF'ler");
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_BACKNAME, "Onceki FF'ler");
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "Menuyu Kapat");
        menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL);    
        menu_display(id, menu, 0); 
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    public ffmenu(id, menu ,item)
        new data[6],iName[64]
        new acces,callback
        menu_item_getinfo(menu,item,acces,data,5,iName, 63,callback)
        new tuslar = str_to_num(data)
            case 1: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T awp")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 900")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAWP FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAWP FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 2: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T deagle")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 3: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T deagle")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T shield")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE - KALKAN FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE - KALKAN FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 4: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T ak47")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAK47 [KELES] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAK47 [KELES] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 5: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T m4a1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gM4A1 [COLT] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gM4A1 [COLT] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 6: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gNORMAL FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gNORMAL FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 7: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T tmp")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 900")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gTMP [FIRFIR] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gTMP [FIRFIR] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 8: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_firendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 46")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 700")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSCOUT [ORDEK] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSCOUT [ORDEK] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 9: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 83")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gBOMBA FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gBOMBA FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 10: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 21")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPOMPALI FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPOMPALI FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 11: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 11")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gGLOCK FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gGLOCK FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 12: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 12")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gUSP FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gUSP FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 13: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 41")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gGALIL FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gGALIL FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 14: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
                server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 40")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
                server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gFAMAS FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gFAMAS FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
            case 15: {
                server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 0")
                server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 0")
                server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 0")
                server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gFF Oyunu Kapatildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gFF Oyunu Kapatildi.!")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
                chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    stock chat_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
        new count = 1, players[32]
        static msg[191]
        vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") //yesil
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") //sari
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3") //takim-rengi
        replace_all(msg, 190, "!team2", "^0") //bilmiom
        if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
            for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
                    message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i])

  3. #3
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: [Çok Acil] Jb /oyunmenu sorunu

    Nick Time

  4. #4
    cavus er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: [Çok Acil] Jb /oyunmenu sorunu

    Yok mu yardımcı olacak?

  5. #5
    binbaşı к4dανяα - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jun 2012
    Hayat hattında acemi tayfalardık. Ne avunduk sevinç müsveddeleriyle; aşktan ikmale kaldık..
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: [Çok Acil] Jb /oyunmenu sorunu

    OyunMenu Sadece Ct Açabilir Menuyu Amxx Çevir Çeviremessen söyle Loose hataları giderildi .

    PHP- Kodu:
    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <amxmisc>
    #include <fun>
    #include <cstrike>

    #define PLUGIN "Oyun Menu Plugini"
    #define VERSION "2.2"
    #define AUTHOR "Vampires"

    public plugin_init() {    
    register_plugin("\r[JB] \wOyunMenusu","2.2","\ypG ` Jail")    
    register_clcmd("say /oyunmenu","top")
    //register_logevent("ayar_sifirla", 2,"1=Round_Start")    
    top(id) {    
    cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)  return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if( !is_user_alive(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED    
    new menu menu_create("\rOyun Menu \y[ pG ` Jail ]""menu_handler")    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \ySaklanbac Oyunu""1"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \y300Sparta Oyunu""2"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yYakartop Oyunu""3"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yCete Oyunu""4"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yYakalanbac Oyunu""5"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \ySimit Oyunu""6"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yCTKoruma""7"0);    
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yOyunlari Kapat""8"0);   
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yC4 Oyunu""9"0); 
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yHayalet Oyunu""10",0);
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yKus Oyunu""11",0);
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yZombi Oyunu""12",0);
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yKorebe Oyunu""13",0);
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yCatisma Oyunu""14",0);
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yUcan Pipi Oyunu""15",0);
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \ySustum Deagle Oyunu""16",0);
    menu_setprop(menuMPROP_NEXTNAME"Diger Oyunlar");  
    menu_setprop(menuMPROP_BACKNAME"Onceki Oyunlar");
    menu_setprop(menuMPROP_EXITNAME"Menuyu Kapat");

    item == MENU_EXIT )    
    data[6], iName[64];    
    key str_to_num(data);    
    1: { 
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT g3sg1")   
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 14")   
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999")   
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")   
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @CT 1")
    chat_color(id"!gSaklanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSaklanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    2: {     
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T shield")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @CT")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !g300Sparta Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !g300Sparta Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    3: {     
    server_cmd("amx_glow @T blue")   
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")   
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")    
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")   
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @CT 1")  
    server_cmd("amx_fire @CT 1")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakartop Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakartop Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    4: {    
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")   
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 42")   
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 14")   
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 48")   
    server_cmd("amx_armor @all 100")   
    server_cmd("amx_heal @T 900")   
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")   
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCete Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCete Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    5: {     
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")  
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_speed @CT 1")   
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")   
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakalanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gYakalanbac Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    6: {     
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 900")   
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSimit Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSimit Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    7: {    
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")   
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 99999999")   
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCT Koruma Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCT Koruma Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    8: {
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @all 0")   
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 0")   
    server_cmd("amx_speed @all 0")   
    server_cmd("amx_noclip @all 0")   
    server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 800")   
    server_cmd("amx_glow @all off")   
    server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 0")
    server_cmd"amx_cvar sv_voiceenable 1")
    server_cmd"amx_cvar sv_gravity 800")
    server_cmd("Tum Ayarlar Eski Haline Getirildi.!")
    server_cmd("Tum Ayarlar Eski Haline Getirildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    9: {
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_bury @T"
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 91")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gC4 Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gC4 Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    10: {    
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 900")  
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")  
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")  
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 14")  
    server_cmd("amx_noclip @CT 1")  
    server_cmd("amx_armor @all 100")  
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gHayalet Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gHayalet Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    11: {    
    server_cmd("amx_glow @T white")  
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")  
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")  
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 30000"
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 100")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKus Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKus Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    12: {
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
    server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 200")
    server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_flashlight 1")
    server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_voiceenable 0")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 100")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 49")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 42")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 46")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 15000")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gZombi Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gZombi Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    13: {
    server_cmd("amx_glow @CT 0 0 0 0")
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 43")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 42")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 100")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKorebe Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gKorebe Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    14: {
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @all")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @all 43")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @all 42")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @CT 100")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 46")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T 14")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @all 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 400")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCatisma Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gCatisma Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    15: {
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_cvar sv_gravity 100")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gUcan Pipi Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gUcan Pipi Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    16: {
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_bury @T")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 9999999")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSustum Deagle Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gSustum Deagle Oyunu Aktif Edildi!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")

    stock chat_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
    count 1players[32]
    if (idplayers[0] = id; else get_players(playerscount"ch"
            for (new 
                if (
    message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLEget_user_msgid("SayText"), _players[i])

    ---------- Alttaki Mesaj Zamani 00:15 ---------- Önceki Mesaj Zamani 00:12 ----------

    Buda FF menun Sadece Ct Açabilir Loose Hataları giderildi. Amxx Çeviremessen söylersin

    PHP- Kodu:
    /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <amxmisc>
    #include <fun>
    #include <cstrike>

    //Cvar Kodu : /ffmenu'dür.

    #define PLUGIN "FF Plugini"
    #define VERSION "1.1"
    #define AUTHOR " Vampires "

    public plugin_init() {
    register_clcmd("say /ffmenu","Menu")    
    cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)  return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    if( !is_user_alive(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED  
    new menu menu_create("\rFF Menu \y[  pG ` Jail  ]","ffmenu")
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yAWP FF""1" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yDeagle FF""2" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yDeagle - Kalkan FF""3" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yAK47 FF""4" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yM4A1 FF""5" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yNormal FF""6" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yTMP FF""7" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yScout FF""8" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yBomba FF""9" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yPompali FF""10" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yGlock FF" "11" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yUSP FF" "12" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yGalil FF" "13" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yFamas FF" "14" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_additem(menu"\r[JB] \yFF Kapat""15" ADMIN_KICK)
    menu_setprop(menuMPROP_NEXTNAME"Diger FF'ler");
    menu_setprop(menuMPROP_BACKNAME"Onceki FF'ler");
    menu_setprop(menuMPROP_EXITNAME"Menuyu Kapat");

    ffmenu(idmenu ,item)
    tuslar str_to_num(data)
    1: {
    server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T awp")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @T 900")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAWP FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAWP FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    2: {
    server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T deagle")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @T 400")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    3: {
    server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T deagle")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T shield")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @T 400")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE - KALKAN FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gDEAGLE - KALKAN FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    4: {
    server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_friendlyfire 1")
    server_cmd("amx_disarm @T")
    server_cmd("amx_weapon @T ak47")
    server_cmd("amx_unammo @ALL 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @T 1400")
    server_cmd("amx_godmode @CT 1")
    server_cmd("amx_heal @CT 999999")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAK47 [KELES] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gAK47 [KELES] FF Oyunu Aktif Edildi.!")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gPositive Gaming")
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    chat_color(id,"!t[CSP] !gFF Oyunu Kapatildi.!")
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    stock chat_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
    count 1players[32]
    if (idplayers[0] = id; else get_players(playerscount"ch"
            for (new 
                if (
    message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLEget_user_msgid("SayText"), _players[i])

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  6. #6
    cavus er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2012
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    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: [Çok Acil] Jb /oyunmenu sorunu

    Eyvallah kardeşim çok teşekkürler.

    ---------- Alttaki Mesaj Zamani 00:38 ---------- Önceki Mesaj Zamani 00:27 ----------

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  2. Cs ekran sorunu acil yardım
    By asdfgghjk in forum Sohbet / Geyik
    Cevaplar: 1
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  3. Acil Yradım Cs ekran sorunu
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