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  1. #1
    onbasi er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart sxe not defteri hatası

    2012/04/21 12:13:14 - [CLT] -
    2012/04/21 12:13:14 - [CLT] - sXe Injected starting...
    2012/04/21 12:13:14 - [CLT] - [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected]
    2012/04/21 12:13:16 - [CLT] - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3) [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:16 - [CLT] - version: 12.1 (Fix 3)
    2012/04/21 12:13:16 - [CLT] - [ The end is near... ]
    2012/04/21 12:13:16 - [CLT] - open [77C1F566]
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Platform: x86 detected
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Starting Device Driver
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - service [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1073)(Belirtilen hizmet halen var.

    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Driver found, cleaning...
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - GetLastError(2)(Sistem belirtilen dosyayı bulamıyor.

    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Create file error
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1062)(Hizmet başlatılmadı.

    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Control service error
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - cleaned
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Load error, try again -----------
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.

    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Open service error
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - service [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Create Service OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Start Service OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Service ready
    2012/04/21 12:13:17 - [CLT] - Trying to open device[1]...
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [35][7C8FD1AE]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [32][7C8FD17E]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [115][7C8FDFAE]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [74][7C8FD59E]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [AD][7C8FD92E]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [7A][7C8FD5FE]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [D5][7C8FDBAE]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [89][7C8FD6EE]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [FE][7C8FDE3E]
    2012/04/21 12:13:18 - [CLT] - [BA][7C8FD9FE]
    2012/04/21 12:13:19 - [CLT] - Waiting for game...
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1860) injecting on PID (1472) -> (ALLOW)[1]
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [1472][hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - GetLastError(87)(Parametre hatalı.

    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - Error al abrir thread
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - GetLastError(87)(Parametre hatalı.

    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - Error al abrir thread
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - open [77C1F566]
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
    2012/04/21 12:13:41 - [CLT] - Injected OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:46 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] -------------------
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] -version: 12.1 (Fix 2)
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
    2012/04/21 12:13:47 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** Open success
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
    2012/04/21 12:13:48 - [DLL] - **** searching...
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] -hooking...
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] -result...[0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
    2012/04/21 12:13:55 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** GL Command Offline
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [118953]
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** Finish [1472]
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** Second
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** Removed...
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** SET success
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** FS
    2012/04/21 12:13:56 - [DLL] - **** UPL
    2012/04/21 12:14:03 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
    2012/04/21 12:16:21 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll closing
    2012/04/21 12:16:21 - [CLT] - Game closed!
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1860) injecting on PID (5380) -> (ALLOW)[1]
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [5380][hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - GetLastError(87)(Parametre hatalı.

    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - Error al abrir thread
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - GetLastError(87)(Parametre hatalı.

    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - Error al abrir thread
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - open [77C1F566]
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
    2012/04/21 12:17:41 - [CLT] - Injected OK
    2012/04/21 12:18:13 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] -------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] -version: 12.1 (Fix 2)
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Open success
    2012/04/21 12:18:14 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
    2012/04/21 12:18:15 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
    2012/04/21 12:18:15 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
    2012/04/21 12:18:15 - [DLL] - **** searching...
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] -hooking...
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] -result...[0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** GL Command Offline
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [383342]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Finish [5380]
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Second
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Removed...
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** SET success
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** FS
    2012/04/21 12:18:20 - [DLL] - **** UPL
    2012/04/21 12:18:24 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
    2012/04/21 12:18:44 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (3.3.11566 Compatibility Profile Context)
    2012/04/21 12:18:44 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (ATI Technologies Inc.)
    2012/04/21 12:18:44 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series)
    2012/04/21 12:18:44 - [DLL] -connected!
    2012/04/21 12:18:45 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [16]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:18:46 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:18:47 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:18:48 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll closing
    2012/04/21 12:18:48 - [CLT] - Game closed!
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1860) injecting on PID (5416) -> (ALLOW)[1]
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [5416][hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - GetLastError(87)(Parametre hatalı.

    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - Error al abrir thread
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - GetLastError(87)(Parametre hatalı.

    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - Error al abrir thread
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - open [77C1F566]
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
    2012/04/21 12:19:09 - [CLT] - Injected OK
    2012/04/21 12:19:16 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] -------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] -version: 12.1 (Fix 2)
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Open success
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
    2012/04/21 12:19:17 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
    2012/04/21 12:19:18 - [DLL] - **** searching...
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] -hooking...
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] -result...[0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** GL Command Offline
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [446124]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Finish [5416]
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Second
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Removed...
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** SET success
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** FS
    2012/04/21 12:19:23 - [DLL] - **** UPL
    2012/04/21 12:19:27 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
    2012/04/21 12:19:48 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (3.3.11566 Compatibility Profile Context)
    2012/04/21 12:19:48 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (ATI Technologies Inc.)
    2012/04/21 12:19:48 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series)
    2012/04/21 12:19:48 - [DLL] -connected!
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [16]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:19:50 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll closing
    2012/04/21 12:19:52 - [CLT] - Game closed!
    2012/04/21 12:21:29 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1860) injecting on PID (2112) -> (ALLOW)[1]
    2012/04/21 12:21:29 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [2112][hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:21:29 - [CLT] - open [77C1F566]
    2012/04/21 12:21:29 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\ProgramFiles\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
    2012/04/21 12:21:29 - [CLT] - Injected OK
    2012/04/21 12:21:34 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe]
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] -------------------
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] -version: 12.1 (Fix 2)
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Program Files\valve]
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Open success
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
    2012/04/21 12:21:35 - [DLL] - **** searching...
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] -hooking...
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] -result...[0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** GL Command Offline
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [583579]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Finish [2112]
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Second
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Removed...
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** SET success
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** FS
    2012/04/21 12:21:40 - [DLL] - **** UPL
    2012/04/21 12:21:44 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
    2012/04/21 12:22:13 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (3.3.11566 Compatibility Profile Context)
    2012/04/21 12:22:13 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (ATI Technologies Inc.)
    2012/04/21 12:22:13 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series)
    2012/04/21 12:22:13 - [DLL] -connected!
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [16]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl][6e7a661590d87e3fddcb93d43c0d4df6]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - * Game Altered, remove modifications * (model) [cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl][311bc5ba5e3747509f850060766eb703]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
    2012/04/21 12:22:14 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ---------- Alttaki Mesaj Zamani 15:50 ---------- Önceki Mesaj Zamani 15:23 ----------

    bilen yokmu

  2. #2
    binbaşı emektar jeLibon - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2012
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    Sanırım OpenGL sin .. Sowftare 'yi dene oda olmadı modellerinde değişikli yaptıysan def çevir ve hack kullandıysan daha önceden cs ' nin cstrike klasörünü def ' e çevimeni tavsiye ediyorum pek bilgim yok ama bildiklerim bukadar.

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    berXamet ' e teşekkürler.

  3. #3
    onbasi er
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    Alıntı jeLibon Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    Sanırım OpenGL sin .. Sowftare 'yi dene oda olmadı modellerinde değişikli yaptıysan def çevir ve hack kullandıysan daha önceden cs ' nin cstrike klasörünü def ' e çevimeni tavsiye ediyorum pek bilgim yok ama bildiklerim bukadar.
    yeni skinler yükledim bundan kaynaklanırmı acaba?

  4. #4
    binbaşı emektar jeLibon - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    Evet onları bı defe çevir ondan sonra tekrar dene.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

    berXamet ' e teşekkürler.

  5. #5
    onbasi er
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    sorunu çzödüm spawn siyah kol skin ekledim geçmiyormus kaldırdım düzeldi.

  6. #6
    binbaşı emektar jeLibon - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    Demiştimm -,-

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

    berXamet ' e teşekkürler.

  7. #7
    onbasi acTiv - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    skinlerden awp ve scout kaldırırsan diğerleri sorunsuz çalışabilir
    acTiv # CSPlague

    Kalite Ayrıntılarda Gizlidir.

  8. #8
    binbaşı banned
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası

    Çözümünü Bu Konuda Bulabilirsin -> https://www.csplague.com/sxe-error-h...a-all-0ne.html

  9. #9
    er er
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    Standart Cevap: sxe not defteri hatası


Benzer Konular

  1. Sxe Not Defteri Hattasi %99 Kadar Çözüm :)
    By FaqsMaNiac in forum SXE Error/Hata Çözümleri
    Cevaplar: 3
    Son Mesaj: 19-03-13, 20:02
  2. Sxe Not Defteri Hatasi Çözümü!
    By WizarD in forum SXE Sorunlarınız
    Cevaplar: 3
    Son Mesaj: 19-03-13, 20:01
  3. sXe Hata Çözümü %100 çözülcek (not defteri)
    By y6y7y8 in forum SXE Error/Hata Çözümleri
    Cevaplar: 8
    Son Mesaj: 10-11-12, 02:55
  4. Sxe Not defteri hatası lütfen yardım edin
    By ahmet00 in forum SXE Sorunlarınız
    Cevaplar: 6
    Son Mesaj: 13-02-12, 21:31
  5. Sxe Not Defteri Hatasi Çözümü!
    By WizarD in forum SXE Error/Hata Çözümleri
    Cevaplar: 1
    Son Mesaj: 04-02-12, 03:55

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