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  1. #1
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2012
    0 Mesaj
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    Tecrübe Puanı

    Exclamation VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    Log'dan Anladğım kadarıyla bir kaç tane Texture'de Büyüklük anlamıyla Bi Sorun var ama Nasıl çözeceğimi bilmiyorum. Birde Cok Hızlo Runlıyor 5 saniye gibi sürede yardımlarınız icin teşekkürler.
    hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlcsg -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlcsg.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01"-wadinclude snake.wad 
    Entering c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01.map
    Current hlcsg Settings
    Name                 |  Setting  |  Default
    threads               [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose               [     off ] [     off ]
    log                   [      on ] [      on ]
    developer             [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart                 [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate              [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory    [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max lighting memory   [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
    priority              [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip                [     off ] [     off ]
    null texture stripping[      on ] [      on ]
    clipnode economy mode [      on ] [      on ]
    clip hull type        [  legacy ] [  legacy ]
    onlyents              [     off ] [     off ]
    wadtextures           [      on ] [      on ]
    skyclip               [      on ] [      on ]
    hullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    nullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    min surface area      [   0.500 ] [   0.500 ]
    brush union threshold [   0.000 ] [   0.000 ]
    Using mapfile wad configuration
    Wadinclude list :
    6 brushes (totalling 40 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
     (2.03 seconds)
     (0.00 seconds)
     (2.55 seconds)
    Including Wadfile: \program files\valve\cstrike\snake.wad
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_JB_B1'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_JB_B2'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_JB_B3'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_JB_B4'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_JB_B5'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_MAPLAR3'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_MAPLAR'
     - Warning: Larger than expected texture (204812 bytes): 'REKLAM_MAPLAR2'
     - Contains 157 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (5072 textures in wad)
    added 45 additional animating textures.
    Error: File read failure
    -----   END   hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlbsp -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlbsp.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01"
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlbsp -----
    hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlvis -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlvis.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01"
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlvis -----
    hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlrad -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlrad.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01"-sparse 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\jail_regard_b01.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlrad -----
    Konu BurhanTR tarafından (28-03-14 Saat 19:50 ) değiştirilmiştir.

  2. #2
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2012
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    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    Yardım eden yokmu?

  3. #3
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2012
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    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    hacı bi yardımcı olun ya.

  4. #4
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    Hadi ya kmse bilmiyormu çözümünü

  5. #5
    teğmen emektar Nefesim - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2013
    60 Mesaj
    2 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    Büyük textureler kullanmışın mapta aşırı büyük texturelerin 1 mapta fazla kullanılmasına denir mesela duvar texturesi 512x512 reklamın 512x512 yer 512x512 bunun gibi wally indir wadını aç büyük olanların boyutunu 16x16 kareye göre ayarla tavsiyem 320x320
    Nefesim Fark Yaratırmı ?

  6. #6
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2012
    0 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    yaptım bu seferde mapı kısa sürede runlayıp mapı acmıyor ama cs acılıyor log:
    hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlcsg -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlcsg.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-wadinclude snake.wad 
    Entering c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.map
    Current hlcsg Settings
    Name                 |  Setting  |  Default
    threads               [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose               [     off ] [     off ]
    log                   [      on ] [      on ]
    developer             [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart                 [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate              [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory    [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max lighting memory   [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
    priority              [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip                [     off ] [     off ]
    null texture stripping[      on ] [      on ]
    clipnode economy mode [      on ] [      on ]
    clip hull type        [  legacy ] [  legacy ]
    onlyents              [     off ] [     off ]
    wadtextures           [      on ] [      on ]
    skyclip               [      on ] [      on ]
    hullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    nullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    min surface area      [   0.500 ] [   0.500 ]
    brush union threshold [   0.000 ] [   0.000 ]
    Using mapfile wad configuration
    Wadinclude list :
    6 brushes (totalling 40 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
     (2.02 seconds)
     (0.00 seconds)
     (2.47 seconds)
    Including Wadfile: \program files\valve\cstrike\snake.wad
     - Contains 158 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (5073 textures in wad)
    added 46 additional animating textures.
    Texture usage is at 3.89 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX)
    5.45 seconds elapsed
    -----   END   hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlbsp -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlbsp.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"
    Current hlbsp Settings
    Name               |  Setting  |  Default
    threads             [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose             [     off ] [     off ]
    log                 [      on ] [      on ]
    developer           [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart               [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate            [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory  [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    priority            [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip              [     off ] [     off ]
    nofill              [     off ] [     off ]
    noopt               [     off ] [     off ]
    null tex. stripping [      on ] [      on ]
    notjunc             [     off ] [     off ]
    subdivide size      [     240 ] [     240 ] (Min 64) (Max 512)
    max node size       [    1024 ] [    1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 8192)
    SolidBSP [hull 0] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...3985 (0.30 seconds)
    BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.prt'
    SolidBSP [hull 1] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...3512 (0.23 seconds)
    SolidBSP [hull 2] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...2939 (0.19 seconds)
    SolidBSP [hull 3] 500...1000...1500...2000...2500...3000...3500...3533 (0.23 seconds)
    4.72 seconds elapsed
    -----   END   hlbsp -----
    hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlvis -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlvis.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-full 
    2177 portalleafs
    6845 numportals
    -= Current hlvis Settings =-
    Name               |  Setting  |  Default
    threads             [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose             [     off ] [     off ]
    log                 [      on ] [      on ]
    developer           [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart               [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate            [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory  [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max vis distance    [       0 ] [       0 ]
    priority            [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    fast vis            [     off ] [     off ]
    full vis            [      on ] [     off ]
     (8.34 seconds)
     (184.23 seconds)
    average leafs visible: 181
    g_visdatasize:202208  compressed from 594321
    192.78 seconds elapsed [3m 12s]
    -----   END   hlvis -----
    hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlcsg -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlcsg.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-wadinclude snake.wad 
    Entering c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.map
    Current hlcsg Settings
    Name                 |  Setting  |  Default
    threads               [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose               [     off ] [     off ]
    log                   [      on ] [      on ]
    developer             [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart                 [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate              [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory    [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max lighting memory   [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
    priority              [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip                [     off ] [     off ]
    null texture stripping[      on ] [      on ]
    clipnode economy mode [      on ] [      on ]
    clip hull type        [  legacy ] [  legacy ]
    onlyents              [     off ] [     off ]
    wadtextures           [      on ] [      on ]
    skyclip               [      on ] [      on ]
    hullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    nullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    min surface area      [   0.500 ] [   0.500 ]
    brush union threshold [   0.000 ] [   0.000 ]
    Using mapfile wad configuration
    Wadinclude list :
    6 brushes (totalling 40 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
     (3.38 seconds)
     (0.00 seconds)
     (3.66 seconds)
    Including Wadfile: \program files\valve\cstrike\snake.wad
     - Contains 163 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (5073 textures in wad)
    added 46 additional animating textures.
    Error: File read failure
    -----   END   hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlbsp -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlbsp.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlbsp -----
    hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlvis -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlvis.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-full 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlvis -----
    hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlrad -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlrad.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-sparse -extra 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlrad -----
    hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlcsg -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlcsg.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-wadinclude snake.wad 
    Entering c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.map
    Current hlcsg Settings
    Name                 |  Setting  |  Default
    threads               [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose               [     off ] [     off ]
    log                   [      on ] [      on ]
    developer             [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart                 [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate              [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory    [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max lighting memory   [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
    priority              [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip                [     off ] [     off ]
    null texture stripping[      on ] [      on ]
    clipnode economy mode [      on ] [      on ]
    clip hull type        [  legacy ] [  legacy ]
    onlyents              [     off ] [     off ]
    wadtextures           [      on ] [      on ]
    skyclip               [      on ] [      on ]
    hullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    nullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    min surface area      [   0.500 ] [   0.500 ]
    brush union threshold [   0.000 ] [   0.000 ]
    Using mapfile wad configuration
    Wadinclude list :
    6 brushes (totalling 40 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
     (2.63 seconds)
     (0.00 seconds)
     (3.63 seconds)
    Including Wadfile: \program files\valve\cstrike\snake.wad
     - Contains 161 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (5073 textures in wad)
    added 46 additional animating textures.
    Error: File read failure
    -----   END   hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlbsp -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlbsp.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlbsp -----
    hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlvis -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlvis.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-full 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlvis -----
    hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlrad -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlrad.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-sparse -extra 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlrad -----
    hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlcsg -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlcsg.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-wadinclude snake.wad 
    Entering c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.map
    Current hlcsg Settings
    Name                 |  Setting  |  Default
    threads               [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose               [     off ] [     off ]
    log                   [      on ] [      on ]
    developer             [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart                 [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate              [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory    [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max lighting memory   [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
    priority              [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip                [     off ] [     off ]
    null texture stripping[      on ] [      on ]
    clipnode economy mode [      on ] [      on ]
    clip hull type        [  legacy ] [  legacy ]
    onlyents              [     off ] [     off ]
    wadtextures           [      on ] [      on ]
    skyclip               [      on ] [      on ]
    hullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    nullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    min surface area      [   0.500 ] [   0.500 ]
    brush union threshold [   0.000 ] [   0.000 ]
    Using mapfile wad configuration
    Wadinclude list :
    6 brushes (totalling 40 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
     (2.50 seconds)
     (0.00 seconds)
     (3.72 seconds)
    Including Wadfile: \program files\valve\cstrike\snake.wad
     - Contains 160 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (5073 textures in wad)
    added 46 additional animating textures.
    Error: File read failure
    -----   END   hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlbsp -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlbsp.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlbsp -----
    hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlvis -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlvis.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-full 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlvis -----
    hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlrad -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlrad.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-sparse -extra 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlrad -----
    hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlcsg -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlcsg.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-wadinclude snake.wad 
    Entering c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.map
    Current hlcsg Settings
    Name                 |  Setting  |  Default
    threads               [       2 ] [  Varies ]
    verbose               [     off ] [     off ]
    log                   [      on ] [      on ]
    developer             [       0 ] [       0 ]
    chart                 [     off ] [     off ]
    estimate              [     off ] [     off ]
    max texture memory    [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
    max lighting memory   [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
    priority              [  Normal ] [  Normal ]
    noclip                [     off ] [     off ]
    null texture stripping[      on ] [      on ]
    clipnode economy mode [      on ] [      on ]
    clip hull type        [  legacy ] [  legacy ]
    onlyents              [     off ] [     off ]
    wadtextures           [      on ] [      on ]
    skyclip               [      on ] [      on ]
    hullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    nullfile              [    None ] [    None ]
    min surface area      [   0.500 ] [   0.500 ]
    brush union threshold [   0.000 ] [   0.000 ]
    Using mapfile wad configuration
    Wadinclude list :
    6 brushes (totalling 40 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
     (3.59 seconds)
     (0.03 seconds)
     (3.91 seconds)
    Including Wadfile: \program files\valve\cstrike\snake.wad
     - Contains 159 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (5073 textures in wad)
    added 46 additional animating textures.
    Error: Exceeded MAX_MAP_MIPTEX
    Description: Texture memory usage on the map has exceeded the limit
    Howto Fix: Merge similar textures, remove unused textures from the map
    -----   END   hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlbsp -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlbsp.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlbsp -----
    hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlvis -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlvis.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-full 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlvis -----
    hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
    Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
    Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to ([email protected])
    -----  BEGIN  hlrad -----
    Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\valve\hlrad.exe "c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme"-sparse -extra 
    >> There was a problem compiling the map.
    >> Check the file c:\program files\valve\cstrike\maps\deneme.log for the cause.
    -----   END   hlrad -----

  7. #7
    er er
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2014
    1 Mesaj
    0 Konu
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cevap: VHE - Hata Verdi Yine

    PHP- Kodu:
    ErrorExceeded MAX_MAP_MIPTEX
    Texture memory usage on the map has exceeded the limit
    Howto Fix
    Merge similar texturesremove unused textures from the map 
    PHP- Kodu:
    added 46 additional animating textures
    File read failure 
    Texturen sorunlu gibi gözüküyor

Benzer Konular

  1. yine ben yine yeni bir istek :) bb kalkan plugini :)
    By wolf5094 in forum Çözülmüş İstekler
    Cevaplar: 13
    Son Mesaj: 09-07-14, 14:28

Kullanıcıların arama motorlarındaki kullandığı taglar:

Counter Strike 1.6 Cfg, plugin, eklenti, sxe, config, skin, setup
Counter Strike

Bu Konudaki Etiketler


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