Kaç yıldır cs oynuyorum bu hata yüzünden 6 aydır sxe ile oynayamıyorum bilen birisi yardım etsin nolur

2015/06/04 18:44:15 - [CLT] -
2015/06/04 18:44:15 - [CLT] - sXe Injected starting...
2015/06/04 18:44:15 - [CLT] - version: 15.3 (Fix 7)
2015/06/04 18:44:15 - [CLT] - [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected]
2015/06/04 18:44:16 - [CLT] - Administrator: Yes
2015/06/04 18:44:16 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file...
2015/06/04 18:44:16 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file done
2015/06/04 18:44:16 - [CLT] - Windows 7 SP1 (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1) [1]
2015/06/04 18:44:17 - [CLT] - Processor Threads:4 Speed:3.08GHz
2015/06/04 18:44:17 - [CLT] - UAC Status: Disabled
2015/06/04 18:44:17 - [CLT] - DEP Status: Disabled
2015/06/04 18:44:17 - [CLT] -
2015/06/04 18:44:17 - [CLT] - [ All your game are belong to us ]
2015/06/04 18:44:17 - [CLT] -
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Platform: x86 detected
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Starting Device Driver
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - service [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Create Service OK
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Start Service OK
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Service ready
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Trying to open device[1]...
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [57][77235718]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [54][772356E8]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [B3][77235CD8]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [105][772361F8]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [BE][77235D88]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [13C][77236568]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [D7][77235F18]
2015/06/04 18:44:18 - [CLT] - [16F][77236898]
2015/06/04 18:44:19 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Program Files\sXe Injected\sXe Injected.exe]
2015/06/04 18:44:19 - [CLT] - Waiting for game...
2015/06/04 18:44:32 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [4952][hl.exe]
2015/06/04 18:44:33 - [CLT] - [C:\Program Files\valve\hl.exe] -> Incorrect version [0215f24ab372125b6a0d5e4b5b6e7193](BLOCKED)
2015/06/04 18:44:33 - [CLT] - can't intercept game
2015/06/04 18:44:33 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown
2015/06/04 18:44:33 - [CLT] - * Termination
2015/06/04 18:44:35 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2015/06/04 18:44:35 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
2015/06/04 18:44:35 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
2015/06/04 18:44:35 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
2015/06/04 18:47:20 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2015/06/04 18:47:20 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.

2015/06/04 18:47:20 - [CLT] - Open service error
2015/06/04 18:47:21 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2015/06/04 18:47:21 - [CLT] - (1060)(Belirtilen hizmet, yüklü bir hizmet olarak yok.

2015/06/04 18:47:21 - [CLT] - Open service error