"LinkBacks" is the generalized term we use to reference three methods of communication between Websites:
Why LinkBacks?
LinkBacks (Trackbacks, Pingbacks and Refbacks) allow you to notify another site that you wrote something related to what is written on a specific page. This improves the chances of contributors to this page noticing that you gave them credit for something, or that you improved upon something they wrote. With LinkBacks, websites are interconnected. Think of them as the equivalents of acknowledgments and references at the end of an academic paper, or a chapter in a textbook.
Linkbacks have long been a major force in the development of the blogging network, by creating an interconnected series of blogs and posts acknowledging one another. Not only does this improve the general community ethos throughout the "blog-o-sphere", but it also helps to make blogs into more powerful link-building tools.
Note: Links built via this method are highly relevant and do not carry the disadvantages typically associated with "link farms" or "link exchanges".
The LinkBack principle has migrated from blogs to other publishing platforms such as news content management systems and forums.